BSBS6472-1: 2008
‘Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings - Part 1: Vibration sources other than blasting’
Part 1: Vibration
Sources other than blasting’ provides guidance on vibration arising from sources such as railways and
piling works. The Standard employs the concept of vibration dose value (VDV) to take account the magnitude of vibration and the total duration of vibration events occurring during the daytime period between 07.00 and 23.00 hours and the night-time period between 23.00 and 07.00 hours. In dealing with the assessment of vibration in buildings and the resulting human response the document includes the following table.
(1) Below these ranges adverse comment is not expected.
(2) Above these ranges adverse comment is very likely.
While levels of vibration corresponding to the assessment the criteria set out in the table above may be
sufficient to cause disturbance to humans, they would generally be well below the levels of vibration that
have the potential to damage buildings and other structures.